Plastic Optical Fiber Installation Quote: What Is the Final Price?

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Plastic Optical Fiber Installation. Price.

Plastic Optical Fiber (POF) is changing the way we perceive connectivity in homes and offices. It not only offers ultra-fast connection speeds but also provides unmatched stability and reliability. But how accessible is this technology really? In this article, we will explore how POF is democratizing access to high-quality connections, starting at just 39 euros.

Accessibility and Reliability from 39 Euros

Snap Data Single Outlet version Kit

One of the major attractions of POF is its affordability. With Outlet version kits available from 39 euros, you can already access a 100 Mbps connection with high reliability. These kits are ideal for simple point-to-point connections and offer exceptional stability, making them especially useful for activities like 4K streaming and online gaming.

Installation: DIY or Professional?

Plastic Optical Fiber Installer

The beauty of POF lies in its ease of installation. If you're a "do-it-yourself" enthusiast, you can install the kit in your home without much complication. However, if you prefer a more professional finish, an hour of work by an installer is usually sufficient to ensure a flawless installation.

Beyond the Home: Complex Cases and Large Infrastructures

While a basic kit may be sufficient for a house or a small office, POF also caters to more complex needs. In cases such as rural hotels or large buildings, the investment will naturally be higher due to the need for more components and wiring. But the scalability of POF is such that it has been used in significant infrastructures like the Moncloa Palace in Madrid or the bus terminal in Santiago de Chile.

Security and Privacy

In an increasingly connected world, the security of our information is crucial. POF offers a more secure connection compared to wireless connections, which could be a determining factor for those concerned about data privacy and security.


Plastic Optical Fiber is not just cutting-edge technology; it's a connectivity revolution that is within everyone's reach. From basic kits to complex installations, POF offers a scalable and reliable solution for all your Internet connection needs.

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