58 articles
Fiber optics vs. Traditional wiring: What is the best option for your home?
Published : 2024-05-10 | Categories : Noticias1. Technology Optical Fiber: Uses light pulses to transmit data, allowing for significantly higher transmission speeds and over much longer distances without signal degradation. Copper Cable: [...]
FTTR Fiber vs Plastic Fiber Optic: Keys to Choose
Published : 2024-04-22 | Categories : NoticiasTwo technologies stand out for their ability to significantly improve high-speed coverage: Fiber to the Room (FTTR) and Plastic Optical Fiber (POF). We explore in detail each of these options, [...]
Improve the Internet Connection of your Smart TV. Practical solutions
Published : 2024-03-22 | Categories : NoticiasIf you're experiencing difficulties with the Wi-Fi connection on your television, there could be various reasons. Often, making some adjustments can significantly improve the signal and prevent [...]
Wi-Fi 7 Repeaters: Are They Worth It Now?
Published : 2024-03-07 | Categories : Noticiashttps://actelsershop.com/es/content/8-kits-snapdata-actelserhttps://actelsershop.com/es/content/8-kits-snapdata-actelser Wi-Fi repeaters are the "first aid" tool when home wireless connectivity [...]
Reasons why Wi-Fi works better on mobile
Published : 2024-02-15 | Categories : NoticiasChatGPT Have you noticed that Wi-Fi on your mobile phone is faster than on your computer? Although it may seem strange, since we would expect the computer, being more powerful, to have [...]
100 Mbps in 2024? Understanding why it still enough
Published : 2024-01-17 | Categories : NoticiasAre you impressed by internet speeds of 300, 600 Mbps, 1 Gbps, or even 10 Gbps and think they're science fiction? If where you live you barely reach 100 Mbps, don't worry; that's more than [...]
Why Can Wi-Fi Deteriorate After Christmas?
Published : 2024-01-08 | Categories : NoticiasYou may have noticed that your Wi-Fi connection isn't working as well as before after Christmas. You're not alone in this situation. This phenomenon has an explanation and, most importantly, [...]
The New Movistar FTTR Fiber: Pricier than POF?
Published : 2023-12-05 | Categories : NoticiasMovistar has launched its FTTR (Fiber to the Room) service, a significant advancement in connectivity designed to expand high-speed coverage at home. This launch validates a truth that we've [...]
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