Your connection loses effectiveness if you do not do this

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Your connection loses effectiveness

Currently, most people have Internet connectivity at home via WiFi. However, although WiFi is convenient and easy to use, it can be less efficient than wired connections in some cases.

A problem with WiFi is that the signal can be interrupted by physical obstacles, such as walls and furniture. This can reduce Internet speed and increase latency, which can be especially frustrating for activities that require a fast and stable connection, such as playing online games or streaming high-quality content.

WiFi-only connectivity can be unstable and of low quality.

In addition, WiFi can be more prone to interference from other devices that transmit on the same frequency, such as mobile phones and other WiFi routers. This can make the connection less stable and slower.

In comparison, wiring can provide a faster and more stable connection because the signal is stronger and less prone to interference. Also, wiring is less likely to suffer interference from physical obstacles and other devices, which means that Internet speed is more consistent throughout the house. However, plastic optical fiber is even better in terms of speed and stability.

Optical fiber is a high-speed and high-quality data transmission technology.

Plastic optical fiber is a type of wiring that uses plastic or glass fibers to transmit light signals at high speed. It is ideal for connecting devices to the Internet due to its high speed and stability. In addition, it is less prone to electromagnetic interference and physical obstacles than traditional wiring, which means that it provides a more consistent and faster Internet connection.
If you are experiencing connectivity issues with your WiFi and want to improve the efficiency of your network, you may want to consider installing plastic optical fiber in your home. Although it will require a bit more work and may be a bit more expensive than using only WiFi, ultimately it can provide a better user experience and greater productivity.

There are several plastic optical fiber options available:

  • Professional installation: You can hire an installation company or independent professional to install optical fiber in your home. This is a convenient option, as the company will take care of the entire installation process. However, it can be more expensive than doing it yourself.

  • Installation kit: You can buy an optical fiber installation kit, which includes everything you need to install optical fiber in your home. Installation kits include the optical fiber cables and connectors you need, as well as an installation manual and sometimes specialized tools. This is a more affordable option than professional installation, but it will require a bit more work on your part.
  • Do-it-yourself (DIY) installation: You can buy optical fiber cables and connectors separately and do the installation yourself. This is the most affordable option, and will require more technical knowledge and may be a bit more complicated than using an installation kit, although it is a similar method and is great if you want to make a very specific installation.

Your WiFi doesn't reach everywhere

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