Myths and truths about connectivity for gaming

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Myths and truths about connectivity in gaming

Unless you are a true tech expert, broadband connections for gaming can be confusing. To start, most people think that a fast Internet connection is the most important thing but it is not. In fact, there are many "facts" about broadband connections for gaming and not all of them are true.

You need high-speed Internet and bandwidth to play properly - Myth

Many people assume that you need ultra-fast Internet to be able to play properly. But this is not necessarily the case. Although it is very important, it also depends on how many devices and activities you or someone else will be performing on the same connection at the same time.

Let's break this down by defining what bandwidth is. Bandwidth is defined as "the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted through an Internet provider over a certain period of time." That is, it is the amount of data that can be transferred from the Internet to your computer/console and vice versa at any given time. The higher the bandwidth, the more data can be transferred.

So, is it safe to assume that more bandwidth means higher Internet speed? Not necessarily. More bandwidth simply means that your broadband connection can handle more Internet activities at once.

Surprisingly, games do not require much bandwidth, usually no more than 0.1 MB. After all, people used to be able to play with a 56K modem, so if you are just playing, you won't need much bandwidth to play smoothly and without lag. It won't make your game faster.

However, if you or someone else in your home is going to perform large online activities, such as streaming videos on Netflix and YouTube or video chatting on Zoom, your game will suffer significant lag unless you have higher bandwidth. This is because downloading and streaming require more data to be transferred, while games do not require much at all. Streaming will take up much more "space" and this will affect the speed of the game.

So, what really matters when gaming, in terms of broadband? Ping rates. Ping rates are incredibly important for gaming because it is the speed at which information is sent from your computer/console to the game servers and vice versa. The lower the ping, the faster the speed and the smoother the game. Bandwidth does not help with this. Here we explain how to improve ping.

Games require a lot of data - Myth

This is related to the previous myth about bandwidth. Many people assume that games require a lot of data, so if you have more than one person playing in your house, you should expect some lag, right?

Once again, wrong. While it is true that having multiple people playing games in your house may affect your connection, it will have little to do with the data consumption of the games themselves. Once a game is downloaded, it is there on your hard drive or disk and it is not going anywhere. The amount of data needed to play online is minimal and is only affected by other online activities such as downloading and streaming.

This is where you need to be aware of bandwidth and how to manage it. It is not gaming that is "heavy", it is the other activities on the network that require more data.

So, although you won't need much data to play, you will need it if you are downloading new games, patches, or streaming videos.

The type of connection you have affects your gaming - Truth

This is true: different broadband connections affect your gameplay. The three most common types are Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable, and fiber optic.


DSL uses your telephone line to provide high-speed Internet but, unlike dial-up, it uses different frequencies for phone and Internet, so you can use both at the same time.

Compared to the other two types of broadband connections, DSL is usually the slowest. Download speeds range between 1Mbps and 6Mbps, which means you can do basic tasks like web browsing, email, and streaming music and videos. You can game with DSL, but if other devices are connected to your WiFi, your gameplay will be affected.


Cable Internet service uses cables, not phone lines like DSL, to deliver high-speed Internet. Cable is usually faster than DSL, offering maximum download speeds from 100Mbps to 300Mbps. However, this is often much faster than most households need, even with multiple connected devices, so lower speed levels (starting at 15-25Mbps) are usually sufficient.

Fiber Optic

Fiber optic cabling is the future. It uses light, and glass fibers transmit data much more quickly and efficiently than traditional copper cables. Unfortunately, fiber is not as widespread as copper cabling, especially in rural communities.

Additionally, consider the connections within your home. For instance, cables connecting the router to the console or computer ensure a stable Internet connection, but the cables themselves are cumbersome and get in the way. Wireless connections are convenient but highly susceptible to interference (e.g., from other electronic devices or wireless signals), which can cause lag. The distance between the computer and the router can also negatively impact the connection.

Plastic optical fiber is a good alternative in these cases as it allows you to play with a wired connection in any type of home since it can be installed using existing electrical connections. 

Lag in a game can't be fixed - Myth

Game lag (slowness of the game and graphics) can be caused by various issues such as hardware and software problems or connection issues. However, it is usually due to the route your ISP (Internet Service Provider) takes to reach the game server. The more optimal the route, the faster the game response.

But the Internet is not built exclusively for gaming, so most providers tend to take longer routes. Or, they encounter congestion along the way (like other people slowing down the Internet due to watching Netflix or downloading music). This affects your game's performance and causes lag.

This can be easily fixed by finding an optimal route that can handle more congestion. Better broadband can help with this. By improving the quality of your broadband, you can experience better Internet stability, faster speeds, and a connection that can handle multiple devices without affecting your gameplay.

Improve your gaming with better broadband

Lag and irregular, unstable connections are just two things gamers hate to experience. If you want the best gaming experience, you need better broadband. 

Find out how you can use a wired connection without having to do construction work, leaving cables all over the house, or poorly hiding them with Plastic Optical Fiber.

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