Why is my PLC internet repeater slow?

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Why is my PLC internet repeater slow? - Tips for Improving PLC Performance

One of the main problems when using PLC devices is the slowness of the internet connection. This can obviously affect the good use we make of the connection. There are different reasons for this, as we will see, and some recommendations to keep in mind. At Actelser, we do not always recommend the use of PLCs because they will never transmit 100% of connectivity, but in this article, we have wanted to compile the main faults of PLCs to offer you a first aid kit.

Using PLCs in a power strip

This is one of the most common mistakes that users make, and it undoubtedly affects the performance of PLC devices. If we use a power strip and connect the devices there, we can see a significant decrease in performance. After all, we are not directly connected to electricity, but through another device.

Therefore, our advice to avoid problems with PLC devices is to connect the device directly to the power grid. Power strips and similar devices should be avoided, which could significantly affect the proper functioning.

Problems with electrical wiring

Beyond the possibility of having problems with power strips, it could also be due to the poor state of the electrical wiring. This fact could affect internet speed and connection stability. If we are connecting the PLC to old or defective wiring, we could have these types of problems.

In this case, the solution would be more complex since we would depend on the entire electrical connection of the home. If we see that the problem is significant and persists, we would have to opt for other devices to improve wireless connectivity.

Too far from the router

It can also happen that we are simply too far from the router. Although PLC devices can cover a large area, the truth is that the further away we are from the access point, the more problems we can have.

What we could do in this case is try to put the PLC devices closer to the router. This way, we reduce the risk of some type of problem, and we can always connect through a LAN cable that we can place.

Incorrect configuration with PLCs

Many PLC devices allow some configuration changes. We can even do it from the mobile application. One of these options is to improve energy savings. However, it can cause problems and make the speed that arrives very limited.

Therefore, one thing to keep in mind is to enter the PLC device's configuration, if we have this option, and see if we have something incorrectly configured. We must especially observe if we have the power-saving mode activated.

We are using the wrong band

As we know, wireless networks today allow us to connect through the2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. Each has its positives and negatives. For example, the first is more suitable when we are going to connect from a considerable distance, although it offers lower speed. On the other hand, the 5 GHz band is the fastest, although more sensitive to obstacles and distance.

It is possible that we are connected to the wrong band or that it is not the most optimal in certain circumstances. We can simply try to change the band and see if it improves the signal speed. It is very common for PLC devices to be dual-band.

The LAN cable is bad

Many PLC devices allow us to connect both through LAN cable and Wi-Fi. In the first case, it is essential that we are using a compatible cable that allows Gigabit Ethernet. Otherwise, we would have limited speed, and we could have navigation problems.

That is why we must pay close attention to the type of Ethernet cable we are using. It must be in good condition and, of course, have the correct category to be compatible with the maximum speed. This way, we can connect our equipment through a network cable and not have performance problems.


In short, these are some tips we can give to try to solve problems with PLC devices. We must avoid faults that may harm the speed and stability of the connection. This way, we can navigate normally without interruptions.

PLCs are a bit unpredictable. The truth is that you never know in advance what performance you can get from your PLC repeaters. There are many factors at play in each home, and the only way to find out is to take the risk and try. This is why they are not a good option if you are looking to ensure the first shot and get 100% of the connectivity you pay for at home. If you want to improvise and try your luck, PLCs can be your option. However, nothing beats cabling. This is why we like the option of Plastic Fiber so much, but if you can't, PLCs may be your choice.

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